Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Celebrating Mother-tongue Languages (by Douglas)

We (Douglas and Bagamba) participated in the commemoration of International Mother Languages Day in Bunia on 21 and 22 Feb 2014. Here are a few highlights:
Bagamba says that an important step in saving an endangered language
is clarifying the objective of your intervention.
Douglas introduces the subject of the Vanuma community
before presenting an evaluation of the state of health of the Vanuma language.

Pastor Atdirodhu, leader of the Ndruna project team,
shows some of the materials available in Ndruna.

Picture dictionaries are a valuable tool for promoting a language.

He holds a PhD but he stumbles when he tries to read Ndru-na (which isn't his language).

She's unschooled but she reads Ndruna fluently and with feeling;
it's her language and the only one in which she can minister to many in her flock.

A university student asks for advice on how to promote the use of his mother tongue, Logo-ti.
(The Logo New Testament will be soon be available after 25 years of work.)

Mother tongues and Science: A scholar from the local teacher training institute
(where Bagamba teaches sociolinguistics) presents plant naming conventions
in his mother tongue, Oruhuma.

Our colleagues in the front rows at left are joined by fifty others on the first day of the event.

Dramatic recitation by a high school student in her mother tongue, Dhu-alur.

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